
Ghostery for Windows

Ghostery for Windows

Your online browsing and buying habits are not collected and stored by advertisers, communal media, or other online solutions thanks to the Ghostery extension for Chrome.

You can have more control over your on-line privateness thanks to the smaller but effective extension Ghostery, which also makes browser browse safer. Its design and color dodge are simple to see and comprehend. In order to avoid being interrupted, the expansion may notify you with a bubble that is slightly transparent and blends in with the browser you are currently viewing.

Ghostery performed admirably during assessing and alerted us to a variety of tracker codes, images, and artifacts so we could choose which to stymie. Because of the way ghostery is set up, all websites will block monitors that are blocked from one website.


Ghostery does a great job of blocking hyperlinks, but occasionally this causes some websites to become unviewable. If this occurs, it may be necessary to directly test each closed tracker to determine what is causing the problem, which is undoubtedly time-consuming. Ultimately, you have great control over your browse thanks to the Ghostery modification for Chrome, which offers a high-quality protection service.



For Windows, Ghostery 8.3.4
  1. Windows Xp,
  2. Windows 10,
  3. Windows 7.
  4. 2003 Skylights,
  5. Using Windows 2000
  6. , Windows Vista
  7. Windows 98,
  8. 8 Windows
Cultures that are available:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent release:
May 10, 2023, a Friday

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